
I want to express my deepest gratitude to two men who have been instrumental in saving my faith and my life. To Richard Rohr and Echard Tolle, you have given me the words to express my faith in a way that is congruent with my theology, my “I am” and my experience.

The dichotomy between the mental construct of what I imagined life “ought” to be and what it was was literally tearing me apart. My wife introduced me to the writings of these two men and saved my life (something she does quite often by the way). Amazingly,  nothing happened differently except that I had gained a perspective that allowed me to become somehow less involved and more present to life.

This is what I would like to share in this blog, this journey of rediscovering Jesus and faith and love and self in a way that allows life to be what it is.

1 Response to About

  1. Maurizio Vespa says:

    I enjoyed reading your work very much and what you have written, resonated for me. I hope you continue to share your thoughts and insights and I look forward to reading more of your work. I too have enjoyed reading the work of Echard Tolle. His work challenges me every day. I often question my actions and the influence of ego.

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